Duntelchaig Crags, Inverness
Duntelchaig Crags, Inverness
Duntelchaig, Inverness
From parking go up the road left and through the gate towards the loch, walk along that road for around 500 meters, crags are all facing the loch.
Dracula Buttress
First Photo
Green: Transvision Clamp 15m E6 6b*
Red: Wolfman 30m E5 6b
Purple: Dracula 30m E3***
Blue: Garlic 20m E3 6a
Orange: Frankenstein 10m E2 5c*
Yellow: Balrog 10m HVS 5b*
Main Crag
Second Picture
Yellow: Dragonfly 30m VS 5a
Orange: Misty Crack 30m E1 5b**
Red: Inaccessible Crack 30m VS*
Blue: Monolith Slab 10m E2 5b
Green: Monolith Crack 30m VS 4b*
Upper Main Crag
Third Picture
Red: Drum 55m VD*
Yellow: Drumhead 25m VS 4b**
Orange: Top Corner 20m HS 4b*
Green: Mica Slab 30m D
Blue: Mica Crack 35m HS*
Seventy Foot Wall
Forth Picture
Blue: Sweeney's Crack 15m HVS 5c*
Purple: False Friends 15m E3 6a
Red: Sling 15m E1 5b**
Orange: Razor Flake 15m HVS 5a**
Yellow: Seventy Foot Wall 15m HVS 5b*
Green: Swastika 15m S 4b*
Dracula Buttress
1 Transvision Clamp 15m E6 6b*
2 Cyclops 30m E4 6b*
4 Wolfman 30m E5 6b
4 Dracula 30m E3 5c**
5 Neck Nippers fae Tammytool 30m E4 6a
6 Vampire 30m E3 6a
7 Garlic 20m E3 6a
8 Nosferatu 20m E8 6c
9 What we do in the Shadows 20m E10 7a
10 Monsters Edge 15m E4 6b
11 Frankenstein 10m E2 5c*
12 Mummy 15m E1 5b
13 Balrog 10m HVS 5b*
14 B F G 10m HVS 5a
15 Puff 9m S
16 Scrag End 9m VD
Main Crag
17 Excavator 15m S 4b
18 Mojo Slab 15m E3 5c
19 Bongo 7m HVS 4b
20 Too Strong for Scotland 8m E4 6a
21 Long Slab 25m HS 4b
22 Dragonfly 30m VS 5a
23 The Latch Key Kid 26m E2 5c
24 Misty Crack 30m E1 5b*
25 The Broch Inspector 10m E3 5c *
26 Babylon 40m S*
27 Inaccessible Crack 30m VS*
28 ALT Inaccessible Crack Direct Start HVS 5b*
29 Monolith Slab 10m E1 5b
30 Monolith Crack 30m VS 4b*
31 Monolith Recess 30m E2**
32 Dark Vision 30m E2 6a*
33 Drum 55m VD
Upper Main Crag
34 The Percussion 60m E4
35 Little Drummer Boy 45m HVS 5a*
36 Great Eastern Traverse 65m M
37 Upper Traverse 60m M
38 Drumhead 25m VS 4b**
39 Mica Arete 20m S 4b
40 Mica Chimney20m VD
41 Mica Chimney Right-Hand 20m S 4a
42 Timpani Rib 20m E3 5b
43 Top Corner 20m HS 4b
44 ALT Banker's Doom VS 4b
45 Mica Slab 30m D
46 Mica Direct 35m S
47 Mica Crack 35m HS*
48 Dennis the Menace 30m E2 5c
49 Edir 20m VS 4c
50 Ride on the Side 20m VS 4b
Seventy Foot Wall
51 Kill That Crazy Frog 16m E4 6a
52 Slings 15m E1 5b*
53 Save The Tree 15m E3 6a
54 Razor Flake 15m HVS 5a*
55 Seventy Foot Wall 15m HVS 5b
56 Insomnia 15m E3 5c*
57 Anne Boleyns Crack 8m E1 5c
58 Swastika 15m S 4b
59 Ping Pong 15m E1 5c
60 Eave 5m E1 5b*
61 Eeny 5m VS 5b
62 Meeny 5m HS 4c
63 Miney 5m HS 4c
64 Outside Lane 5m HVS 5a
65 Mo 5m S 4b
66 Girdle Traverse 25m E1 5b
67 Triple Overhang 20m HVS 5a*
68 Mica Chasm 12m D*
69 Outside Route 5m VS
70 Chasm Crack 5m VD
71 Chasm Roof 10m E3 6a
Climbing, Crag, Traditional, Highlands.