Stac Gorm, Inverness
Stac Gorm, Inverness
Stac Gorm, Inverness
Just of the farm track road go through the Forster block or to the right, make your way across the field and the first crag you will see is Tynrich Slabs.
Tynrich Slabs
First Picture
Green: Puff Ball 15m VS 5a**
Blue: Wrinkle and Crack 20m s*
Purple: Chocolate Truffle 20m HVS 4c
Orange: Scoops 20m VD
Yellow: Chanterelle 20m E3 5b*
Red: Slippery Jack 12m E4 5c*
Frank Sinatra Walls
Second Picture
Orange: Gorillas in the Mix 20m E4 6a
Red: My Max 20m E3 5c**
Blue: Let's be Frank 20m E4 6a*
Purple: Gecko Echo 15m HVS 5a
Yellow: Stolen Goods 10m HVS 5a
Green: Ole Red Eyes 10m VS 5a
High Green Crag
Third Picture
Green: Rainbow High 12m HVS 5b
Yellow: Bright September 10m VS 4b
Orange: Ole Blue Eyes 10m HVS 5a
Red: Flake Route 10m S
Blue: Bethlehem 10m VS 5a*
Tynrich Slabs
1 Puff ball 15m VS 5a
2 Wrinkle and Crack 20m S
3 Chocolate Truffle 20m HVS 4c
4 Scoops 20m VD
5 Chanterelle 20m E3 5a*
6 Fly Agaric 15m E2 5b
7 Angels Wings 15m HVS 5a
8 Scorpion 15m VS 4c**
9 Trumpet of the Dead 15m E2 5c**
10 Trumpet of the Dead Direct Start 15m E4 6a
11 Blewit 12m E2 5c***
12 Slippery Jack 12m E4 5c*
13 Strewth 12m HVS 5a
14 Horn of Plenty 10m VS 4c
15 Boletus 10m HVS 5b
Frank Sinatra Walls
Second Picture
16 Gorillas in the Mix 20m E4 6a
17 My Way 20m E3 5c**
18 Anything Shoes 20m E6 6b**
19 Vagabond Shoes 20m E1 5b**
20 Vagabond Direct 25m E1 5b**
21 Lets be Frank 20m E4 6a**
22 Frank's in a Trance 25m E4 6a*
23 Gecko echo 15m HVS 5a
24 Stolen Goods 10m HVS 5a
25 The Fence 12m E1 5a
26 Ole Red Eyes 10m VS 5a
High Green Crag
Third Picture
27 Rainbow High 12m HVS 5b
28 Bright September 10m VS 4b
29 Ole Blue Eyes 10m HVS 5a
30 Flake Route 10m S
31 Beyul 10m Vs 5a*
Climbing, Crag, Traditional, Highlands.
Dun Deardail, Inverness
Dun Deardail, Inverness
Dun Deardail, Inverness
From the car park look across the road to the massive crag on the right of that lies Dun Deardail.
Dun Deardail
Purple: Omega 50m E1*
Red: Wild Roses 50m E1**
Blue: Echo Beach E1 5c*
Yellow: Cracked Wall 45m HVS**
Green: Fat Cat Corner 20m E1 5b*
Dun Deardail
1 Omega 50m E1 5b*
2 Wild Roses 50m E1**
3 Echo Beach 20m E1 5c*
4 Cracked Wall 45m HVS 5a**
5 Fat Cat Corner 20m E1 5b*
Climbing, Crag, Traditional, Highlands.
Monster Buttress, Inverness
Monster Buttress, Inverness
Monster Buttress, Inverness
this buttress lies just off the road it's a seemingly out the way feel on a single track road.
Monster Buttress
1 Nessie 70m HS 4a
2 The Monster Mash 70m E2 5c
3 Dances with Blondes 25m E1 5b
4 Monster Magic 25m E2 5c**
5 Monster Magic Extension 40m E2 5c*
climbing, crag, buttress, traditional climb solo, rope
Pinnacle Crag, Inverness
Pinnacle Crag, Inverness
Pinnacle Crag
crag path is 20 meters down the road towards the gate but it's the other side of the road, blue marker post just along from it, takes you straight to crag.
Grades M to E6 6b
Green: Pinnacle Face 10m S*
Blue: Easy Chimney 10m D*
Purple: Stepped Corner 10m S*
Red:Big Nose 10m E3 6a
Orange: Sare 8m E6 6b
Pinnacle Crag
1 Pinnacle Chimney 10m VD
2 A Brazilian 10m E3 5c
3 Pinnacle Face 10m S
4 Easy Chimney 10m D
5 Confidence Wall 10m VD
6 Right Angle 10m VD
7 Tapered Groove 10m VD
8 Soixante 10m E2 5c
9 The Wall 10m E1 5b
10 Stepped Corner 10m S*
11 Y Crack 8m VS 4c
12 No Crack 10m E1 5b
13 Jam Crack 5m VS 5a
14 Big Nose 10m E3 6a
15 Left Bay Diagonal (na) 5c
16 Left Bay Groove 8m S 4b
17 The FinNone (na) 6a
18 Broken Groove 8m M
19 Gearr 8m E3 6b
20 Sare 8m E6 6b
21 Overhanging Chimney 8m VS 4c
22 Push Off 8m E1 5c
23 Right Chink 8m VS 4c
Climbing, Crag, traditional, highlands, buttress
Brin Rock, Inverness
Brin Rock, Inverness
Brin Rock, Inverness
All 3 buttresses are located on the face facing the road and are set right to left, can be accessed through a small road and field. Around 15 minutes walking their is however a shorts steep accent to them.
Zed & Block Buttress
First Picture
1 Red: The Wild Man 20m E2 5b***
2 Blue: Making Moves 30m HVS 5a*
3 Purple: Giant Flake 20m HVS 5a
4 Orange: Screen Test 35m HVS
5 Green: The Block 20m VS 4c*
The Needle
Second Photo
6 Blue: Weird Wall 25m E3 5c*
7 Purple: Gold Digger 25m E3 6a***
8 Red: The Prow 30m E1 5b**
9 Yellow: Turkish Cracks 40m HVS 5a
10 Green: Skytrain 20m E2 5c**
Crag One
Third Picture
11 Green: Catweazle 20m E1 5b*
12 Yellow: Pink Rib 35m S 4a
13 Blue: The Gangplank 40m HVS 5a**
14 Red: Austrocelt Sound System 40m E6***
15 Purple: Treasure Island 40m E2 5b**
Crag, climbing, traditional, buttress, highlands
Duntelchaig Crags, Inverness
Duntelchaig Crags, Inverness
Duntelchaig, Inverness
From parking go up the road left and through the gate towards the loch, walk along that road for around 500 meters, crags are all facing the loch.
Dracula Buttress
First Photo
Green: Transvision Clamp 15m E6 6b*
Red: Wolfman 30m E5 6b
Purple: Dracula 30m E3***
Blue: Garlic 20m E3 6a
Orange: Frankenstein 10m E2 5c*
Yellow: Balrog 10m HVS 5b*
Main Crag
Second Picture
Yellow: Dragonfly 30m VS 5a
Orange: Misty Crack 30m E1 5b**
Red: Inaccessible Crack 30m VS*
Blue: Monolith Slab 10m E2 5b
Green: Monolith Crack 30m VS 4b*
Upper Main Crag
Third Picture
Red: Drum 55m VD*
Yellow: Drumhead 25m VS 4b**
Orange: Top Corner 20m HS 4b*
Green: Mica Slab 30m D
Blue: Mica Crack 35m HS*
Seventy Foot Wall
Forth Picture
Blue: Sweeney's Crack 15m HVS 5c*
Purple: False Friends 15m E3 6a
Red: Sling 15m E1 5b**
Orange: Razor Flake 15m HVS 5a**
Yellow: Seventy Foot Wall 15m HVS 5b*
Green: Swastika 15m S 4b*
Dracula Buttress
1 Transvision Clamp 15m E6 6b*
2 Cyclops 30m E4 6b*
4 Wolfman 30m E5 6b
4 Dracula 30m E3 5c**
5 Neck Nippers fae Tammytool 30m E4 6a
6 Vampire 30m E3 6a
7 Garlic 20m E3 6a
8 Nosferatu 20m E8 6c
9 What we do in the Shadows 20m E10 7a
10 Monsters Edge 15m E4 6b
11 Frankenstein 10m E2 5c*
12 Mummy 15m E1 5b
13 Balrog 10m HVS 5b*
14 B F G 10m HVS 5a
15 Puff 9m S
16 Scrag End 9m VD
Main Crag
17 Excavator 15m S 4b
18 Mojo Slab 15m E3 5c
19 Bongo 7m HVS 4b
20 Too Strong for Scotland 8m E4 6a
21 Long Slab 25m HS 4b
22 Dragonfly 30m VS 5a
23 The Latch Key Kid 26m E2 5c
24 Misty Crack 30m E1 5b*
25 The Broch Inspector 10m E3 5c *
26 Babylon 40m S*
27 Inaccessible Crack 30m VS*
28 ALT Inaccessible Crack Direct Start HVS 5b*
29 Monolith Slab 10m E1 5b
30 Monolith Crack 30m VS 4b*
31 Monolith Recess 30m E2**
32 Dark Vision 30m E2 6a*
33 Drum 55m VD
Upper Main Crag
34 The Percussion 60m E4
35 Little Drummer Boy 45m HVS 5a*
36 Great Eastern Traverse 65m M
37 Upper Traverse 60m M
38 Drumhead 25m VS 4b**
39 Mica Arete 20m S 4b
40 Mica Chimney20m VD
41 Mica Chimney Right-Hand 20m S 4a
42 Timpani Rib 20m E3 5b
43 Top Corner 20m HS 4b
44 ALT Banker's Doom VS 4b
45 Mica Slab 30m D
46 Mica Direct 35m S
47 Mica Crack 35m HS*
48 Dennis the Menace 30m E2 5c
49 Edir 20m VS 4c
50 Ride on the Side 20m VS 4b
Seventy Foot Wall
51 Kill That Crazy Frog 16m E4 6a
52 Slings 15m E1 5b*
53 Save The Tree 15m E3 6a
54 Razor Flake 15m HVS 5a*
55 Seventy Foot Wall 15m HVS 5b
56 Insomnia 15m E3 5c*
57 Anne Boleyns Crack 8m E1 5c
58 Swastika 15m S 4b
59 Ping Pong 15m E1 5c
60 Eave 5m E1 5b*
61 Eeny 5m VS 5b
62 Meeny 5m HS 4c
63 Miney 5m HS 4c
64 Outside Lane 5m HVS 5a
65 Mo 5m S 4b
66 Girdle Traverse 25m E1 5b
67 Triple Overhang 20m HVS 5a*
68 Mica Chasm 12m D*
69 Outside Route 5m VS
70 Chasm Crack 5m VD
71 Chasm Roof 10m E3 6a
Climbing, Crag, Traditional, Highlands.
Ashie Fort crag, Inverness
Ashie Fort crag, Inverness
Ashie Fort crag, Inverness
from parking go through gate at corner and follow track down where a prominent mound is ahead of you, go to right of mound to the crag.
35 routes ranging from VD to E4
Blue: The Block Route 10m S
Red: Monday's Child 10m VD
Orange: Peat Tong 10m S
Green: Dun Riach 10m VS 4c
Yellow: Dun Dearg 10m VS 4c*
Ashie Fort Crag
Routes from left to right on wall
1 Harmony Slab 10m VD
2 The Block Route 10m S
3 Monday's Child 10m VD
4 Peat Tong 10m S
5 Dun Riach 10m VS 4c
6 Dun Dearg 10m VS 4c
7 The Hanging Crack 9m S
8 Flutterbye to China 8m E3 6a
9 Firecracker 10m E3 6a
10 Brain Damage 10m E3 6a
11 Points of Departure 10m E2 5c
12 Throw Lichen to the Wind 10m E2 5c
13 Raeburn's Original Route 10m VS
14 Roost Wall 10m HVS 5a
15 X File 10m HVS 5a
16 Web Astair 10m HVS 5a
17 Sick Whipper 10mE3 5b
18 Whipper Snapper 10m E3 5c
19 Bodysnatchers 10m E3 5c
20 Harpic's Crack 10m E2 5c
21 Welcome Pebble 10m E2 5b
22 Wooly Jumper 10m E2 5c
23 When The Cat's Away 12m E3 5c
24 Deprivation 10m E4 5c
25 The Big Crack 10m S
26 32 Feet per second 10m HS
27 Moss Shoe Shuffle 10m HVS 5a
28 After Quark 10m HVS 5a
29 Quark Strangers and Charm 10m HVS 5a
30 Ruby Tuesday 10m E2 5b
31 Clavicle Attack 10m HVS 5a
32 The Corner 8m HS
33 The Wall 10m S 4a
34 Fat Bird 10m VS 4c
35 One Move Wonder 5m S
Climbing, Crag
Conagleann, Inverness
Conagleann, Inverness
Conagleann, Inverness
from the parking you have a little walk around 3km through a farm up a small hill through then gay into the valley and near the start of the loch. Second links a car park at the gate for estate use.
Hailstorm Buttress
Red: Hushpuppy 70m VD
Blue: Umbrella 70m E2
Orange: Dropout 60m S
Yellow: Tipussip 55m S
Green: Black Slab 50m VD**
Scarlet Wall
Green: Crack and Corner 50m S
Yellow: 7- Up 60m S
Orange: Little and Large 60m VS
Red: Finger Arete 90m S
Purple: Streaker 35m VD
Hailstorm Buttress
1 Fanone 25m HS*
2 Hushpuppy 70m VD
3 Umbrella 70m E2 5c
4 Foe 60m VS
5 Gonzo 80m HVS 5a
6 Dropout 60m S
Raven's Roost
7 Tipussip 55m S
8 Tip Slab 55m VS 4c
9 Molar 90m VS 4c
10 The Raven 30m VS 4c
11 Croak 25m E1 5b
12 Toad's Arete 40m VS 4b
13 The Falcon 25m E2 5b
14 Grande 45m VS 4b
Eastern Slabs
15 Black Slab 50m VD
16 Ash Slab 50m HS 4b*
17 Hoody Climb 50m VD
18 The Streak 40m VS 4b
19 Grey Arete 50m VS 4b
Scarlet Wall
20 Crack and Corner 50m S
21 Advisor 25m VS
22 7-Up 60m S
23 Little and Large 60m VS 4a
24 Plumb 55m VS 4b
25 Finger Arete 90m S
26 Streaker 35m VD
Climbing, Crag, Traditional, Highlands.